2012 Lower Mississippi River Science Symposium School of Science and Engineering


Sean Duffy

Executive Director, Big River Coalition
Executive Vice President, Louisiana Maritime Association

The Big River Coalition is committed to ensuring the future of navigation on the Mississippi River Ship Channel (MRSC) as one of the nation’s fundamental natural resources and true economic powerhouse. The Mississippi River and Tributaries has an estimatedannual impact of $735 billion on the nation’s economy and is responsible for 2.4 million jobs (585,000 jobs on the Lower River –Cairo, IL to the Gulf of Mexico and over 1.86 million jobs on the Upper River –Lake Itasca, MN to Cairo, IL when including the IL River).

Professional Experience

Executive Director, Big River Coalition: 2011-Present “Advocating for a Mightier Mississippi River” The Big River Coalition (BRC) is committed to protecting maritime commerce across the Mississippi River and Tributaries (MRT). The BRC focuses on maximizing efficient transportation on the deep-draft ship channel from Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico. As concerns grow regarding the future management of the Mississippi River system, efforts have been increased to help reduce and/or prevent adverse impacts related to flood protection, protecting water supplies, recreational boating, fishing, invasive species, coastal restoration, and minimizing the negative impacts of runoff and pollutants. It is vitally critical to the nation’s economy that navigation remains unimpeded. The best economic estimates available indicate that the MRT has an annual impact of over $735 billion on the economy of the United States. It is imperative that as visions of the future of the MRT are shaped, navigation representatives strive to ensure that systematic approaches protect maritime trade by maintaining fully authorized channel dimensions while also updating and maintaining our navigation infrastructure, specifically the locks and dams along theMRT. The Big River Coalition’s missions are focused on securing increased funding from the Harbor Maintenance Tax and the Inland Users Fuel Tax, efforts to deepen the Lower Mississippi River to 50 feet and to increase the beneficial use of dredge material or “sediment recycling.” The Big River Coalition is at the forefront of efforts to deepen the Mississippi River Ship Channel to 50 feet. Mr. Duffy also serves as the Executive Vice President/Maritime Advocate for the BRC’s parent company, the New Orleans Steamship Association d.b.a. Louisiana Maritime Association.

Prevoius Employment

As a proponent for the local maritime industry, Mr. Duffy has provided written and oral testimony to federal and state Congressional committees and the President’s Oil SpillCommission to advocate for channel maintenance of the Mississippi River and Tributaries. Previous employment includes executive management positions with experience as a Boarding Agent, Deckhand, Stevedore General Superintendent and Marine Surveyor. Mr. Duffy is intimately familiar with obstacles faced by the maritime industry, both nationally and regionally, and has been recognized for his efforts to deepen the Mississippi River Ship Channel and to promote coastal restoration through the beneficial use of dredge material.

Boards, Commissions, and Appointed Positions

Maritime Awards

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